Tikk-Tekk Rainbow

Tikk-Tekk Rainbow is a low-cost universal measuring tool between finger tips. Apart from printed digits and embossed Braille, the “Tikk, tikk… tekk!” knocking feedback is handy for everybody, and is also pleasant to play with. At the precision of 1cm, the string extends 100cm, enough for daily use.

Cover image for Tikk-Tekk Rainbow
2008 - 2008
#Industrial Design

Remember when we were kids, we used to point out two fingers to measure our surrounding objects. We held the position and compared with our friends, having great fun. However, such pleasure could hardly be enjoyed by the visually impaired, nor do they share the same sense of space or distance as we do.

Tikk-Tekk Rainbow is a low-cost universal measuring tool between finger tips. Apart from printed digits and embossed Braille, the “Tikk, tikk… tekk!” knocking feedback is handy for everybody, and is also pleasant to play with. At the precision of 1cm, the string extends 100cm, enough for daily use.